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A carpenter is a worker specialized in making, completing and repairing structures or any kind of construction made of mainly wood. Most of the timber framed constructions require carpentry skills when constructing concrete wall forms and footing; walls, sheath floors, stairs, doors and roofs. They can create anything from a piece of wood and that is why they are classified depending on their expertise.

There are carpenters who differ in their area of expertise who appear at different times during a construction. These carpenters in different categories will ensure that a home is built or renovated successfully.

Types of Carpenters

Framing Carpenters

They are responsible for constructing the basic structure starting from the foundation and repairing them. They build the wooden framework including the floors, walls and roofs in a construction.

Formwork Carpenters

They construct the molds into which concrete is poured during a construction.

Finish Carpenters

They mainly work on the final part of the carpentry such as the joints. They ensure the final product is up to standard. The finisher is mostly required in instrument working, cabinetry and model building. They are also specialized in molding and trim, window casing, wall paneling and other trims.


They make well designed storage cabinets out of wood such as chests, wardrobes and even dressers.


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Industry: New Home Builders

Product: Carpenters

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